Alaska Aquaculture Permitting

Lease and permit information for commercial marine aquaculture activities

Permits for commercial marine aquaculture activities


Workshops, Classes, and Trainings

Growing and Processing Guidance

invasive European green crab

Managing Toxins, Pathogens, and Invasive Species

Grants, Loans, and Business Planning Resources

  • Division of Economic Development Mariculture Loan Program
    The State of Alaska runs a loan program for the planning, construction, and operation of aquaculture businesses. Applicants may borrow up to $100,000 annually (up to $300,000 aggregate balance). Visit the website or call the Juneau office (907-269-8150) or Anchorage office (800-478-5626) for more information.
  • NOAA Fisheries Alaska Region Aquaculture Grant Calendar and Grant Writing Resources
    The Alaska Regional Office maintains a webpage with grant opportunities in Alaska organized by Category, Competition Name, Funding Source, Frequency, Amount, and Eligibility. It also provides grant writing resources, and search capabilities. 
  • NOAA Fisheries Aquaculture Funding Opportunities and Grants
    NOAA’s Office of Aquaculture maintains a list of various funding and grant opportunities through NOAA and other agencies. Funding may address a variety of issues such as environmental monitoring, recirculating aquaculture systems, shellfish farming, alternative feeds for aquaculture, new species research, and offshore aquaculture.
  • Alaska Shellfish Farm Size Feasibility Study (2015)
    This study shows potential profitability of aquaculture farms based on farm size, species grown, site selection, and other relevant factors. Findings highlight higher short and long-term profits with larger farm sizes and the value of product diversity rather than a monoculture, among other important considerations. The study was conducted by the State of Alaska Department of Economic Development with assistance from the University of Alaska, Center for Economic Development. The overall goal of this study is to provide key information for current and prospective Alaska shellfish farmers and investors, and those engaged in the development and management of the industry.
  • Alaska Seaweed Market Assessment (2021)
    Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation, with grant support from the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, contracted with McKinley Research Group to assess current and potential markets for Alaska seaweed. To achieve the potential of the seaweed aquaculture industry in Alaska, industry and individual producers must identify markets that are a match for the species, product forms, and cost structures that Alaska can provide. This report informs this discussion, while acknowledging uncertainties associated with the nascent state of the industry, emergent technologies, and evolving consumer preferences. It includes assessments of world seaweed production and trade, domestic production, food markets for seaweed, emerging uses and opportunities for seaweed, and an assessment of Alaska’s current position and future opportunities. 

Governance of Aquaculture in Alaska

Miscellaneous Alaska-Specific Publications

kelp farm

Aquatic Farmer Associations and Grower Support Groups

To have your group added to this list, please contact Sea Grant MAP agent Melissa Good.