Lease and permit information for commercial marine aquaculture activities
Permits for commercial marine aquaculture activities
This section applies to farmers who are already operating a permitted farm and would like to change the conditions of their farm lease or permits or renew existing leases and permits. Information for both state and federal permit amendments, renewals, and transfers is provided below. Note that depending on the modifications, amendments to a state permit or lease may require amendments to federal permits as well.
State operation permit and lease amendments, renewals, and transfers vary in process depending on the scope of the project. Amendments may require working with one agency, or all of them. Also note that renewals for ADF&G permits are on a 10 year-cycle, and ADNR leases are initially issued for a 10-year term and can be renewed for a term up to 20 years, while ADEC Operational Permit and Shellfish Growing Area Classification (for shellfish farmers only) must be renewed annually.
There are two types of amendments, the Single Agency Amendment, and the Joint Agency Amendment. See the ADF&G Amendment Matrix to help you figure out which process you need to use based on the changes you would like to make to your farm.
Single Agency Amendments are generally used for changes such as adding or removing a culture species or minor changes to culture gear and equipment, and only requires review from ADF&G. This process most likely will not trigger a need for an amendment to the USACE permit.
If the proposed amendment will increase the footprint of the lease, alter its locations, or cause a significant change in gear, equipment or facilities, then a full decision and public notice process will be required (similar to a new application). The application fee for this type of amendment is $400. This process will likely trigger the need for an amendment to your USACE permit as well. See the section for amendment of federal permits below. If the proposed amendment will not increase acreage, change locations, and only makes minor changes to gear, equipment, etc. then no amendment application or public notice is required and the fee is $160.
Amendments to ADEC permits are very project dependent, so be sure to contact the Shellfish Program Coordinator (907-269-7636, for more information about your specific project. Please note the following:
ADNR, ADF&G, and ADEC all require renewals. ADNR and ADF&G renewals must happen every 10 years, while the ADEC process is annual.
ADNR leases are initially issued for a 10-year term. Following the initial 10-year lease, the lease may be renewed for a term of up to 20 years. Contact ADNR at 907-269-8543, for more information.
ADF&G operation permit renewals are required every 10 years along with a $100 fee. Applicants must submit required materials at least 30 days before their permit expires.
ADEC renewals for both the Operations Permit and Shellfish Growing Area Classification (for shellfish farmers only) must be renewed annually. Contact the Shellfish Program Coordinator (907-269-7636, for more information about your specific project.
Authorization transfers of ADNR Aquatic Farming leases and ADF&G Operations Permits are allowable as described below. However, ADEC Shellfish Operations Permits and Food Establishment Permits may not be transferred and require new farm operators to reapply.
ADEC-issued permits for shellfish operators are not transferable. However, if the new farmer is operating within the same bounds as the previous lease, the SGA classification process does not need to be re-done, shortening the length of the process.
The process for amending, renewing, or transferring a USACE permit may depend on the type of permit (NWP, IP, LOP) and the scope of the project. Note also that amendments to a USACE permit will almost certainly trigger the need for amendments to state permits.
If requesting a modification of the structures placed in the water, provide a written request with project plans showing changes. If the project modifications are extensive, farmers may be required to reapply with a new application. Contact USACE District Office at 907-753-2712 or for more information. Any structural changes described in the USACE permit amendment will also need to be described in either the single or joint agency amendment process. See the State Authorizations section above for details.
A permit with the USACE lasts for five years. Before a permit has expired, a permit extension may be requested by submitting a written request for extension. If the permit has expired, farmers must reapply. An extension lasts for five years.
The permit transfer process depends on if the original permit was an Individual Permit, Nationwide Permit, or Letter of Permission.
“When the structures or work authorized by this nationwide permit are still in existence at the time the property is transferred, the terms and conditions of this nationwide permit, including any special conditions, will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this nationwide permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions, have the transferee sign and date below.”
In the case of multiple permit transfers (where the transferee line has already been signed), or when a project has been authorized by a Letter of Permission:
Assembled by the Alaska Aquaculture Interagency Working Group.