Lease and permit information for commercial marine aquaculture activities
Permits for commercial marine aquaculture activities
Getting Started | Questions to Consider | Talk to Your Community | Set Up a Pre-application Meeting
What is the intent of your project and what is your final product? Commercial aquaculture involves the sale of a cultivated organism. If your project is for research or educational purposes, different rules apply, such as:
Is there an aquatic farm in your area that you can tour or volunteer at in order to understand the seed-to-consumer process better before you start?
What shellfish, invertebrate, or seaweed species do you want to farm?
What general area would you like to be located in?
What is feasible for your workforce?
What equipment and materials do you have on hand and what materials need to be purchased for building your farm site?
Do you have a potential insurance carrier that can provide farm insurance and workers’ compensation insurance (including for yourself)?
What size farm are you considering? Check out the Alaska Shellfish Farm Size Feasibility Study to help you figure out what size of farm and species types may be most profitable and sustainable.
What are you going to do with your product? Direct to market, sell to processors, something else?
Does your project overlap with protected species?
Assembled by the Alaska Aquaculture Interagency Working Group.